We do understand, that lots of investors have missed the train in tech stocks and now have to catch up with their positions as they are still underweighted in certain sectors. The AI push certainly drives these stocks higher and FOMO (fear of missing out) kicks in. We do not know, if it is good or bad to take this train where it stands right now as this is not the question that we have to answer. We already built our portfolio in US Tech stocks in the last month.
The BAND algorithm generated a US technology portfolio based on the Top 100 US Technology stocks listed in the Nasdaq 100 as an equal weight portfolio in the last month according to precise calculated trading signals. This portfolio has achieved 17.8 % so far. This is a 2.3% outperformance of the equal weight NASDAQ 100 index. Sure, against the NASDAQ 100 Index it lags performance but based on the low market breath this is acceptable and further BAND US Tech 100 has a relative risk to the NASDAQ 100 Index of 74%.
The BAND algorithmic quant engines are the latest development of Quant4you. They have a more investing style layout instead of a trading style layout as they keep positions longer but still every position is managed actively. This means, the BAND Portfolios are more designed for longer-termin investors instead of active DIY traders. For them, we have developed the SOLID, ARROW and MOUNT quant systems.
Therefore, with the BAND technology, we want to give a quant-based investing system for the target group of long-term private DIY investors. The BAND Portfolios trade ca. 2-3 per month. If you invest with a longer time horizon, the diversification of the portfolio must increase. This means, the portfolio size must be bigger than the trading portfolios. Therefore, the capital is allocated to up to 30 positions in the portfolio (maximum). An exemption is the Germany 40 portfolio where a maximum of 15 is taken up. All position are equal weight!
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