📅 23.04.2024
⏲ 18.00h – 19.00h CET
What is the difference between the Quant Portfolios on Quant4you?
MOUNT, SOLID, ARROW or BAND? Quant4you provides many different systems that investors can use for private wealth management. But what is the difference between the systems and what are the special features of the quant portfolios? This webinar gives you an in-depth look at the different quant portfolios. Of course, questions will also be answered after the webinar.
📅 28.05.2024
⏲ 18.00h – 19.00h CET
What is the difference between the Quant Portfolios on Quant4you?
MOUNT, SOLID, ARROW or BAND? Quant4you provides many different systems that investors can use for private wealth management. But what is the difference between the systems and what are the special features of the quant portfolios? This webinar gives you an in-depth look at the different quant portfolios. Of course, questions will also be answered after the webinar.